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Can Tantra Cause Trauma?

Dear Friends,

Having practiced now for many years, I personally attest to the power and efficacy of Tantra. Tantra is a time-honored spiritual and personal growth practice that involves various techniques, including meditation, breathwork and physical practices, to help us cultivate awareness, connection, and healing.

When practiced consciously, Tantra is unlikely to cause trauma. However, as with any practice, there is always a risk of causing harm, particularly if the practice is approached without proper guidance, precautions, or boundaries.

To help you navigate Tantric practice, here are some factors to be aware of that have the potential to cause trauma:

  1. Lack of consent: In Tantra, consent is absolutely vital for any intimate or physical practice. If consent is not given or respected, or if boundaries are not honored, it can lead to emotional or physical trauma.

  2. Unskilled or untrained teachers and practitioners: Tantra involves practices that can be physically and emotionally intense. Without proper training, guidance, or supervision, teachers and practitioners may unintentionally cause harm to themselves or others.

  3. Re-traumatization: In my teaching experience, I have found that people who have experienced trauma in the past are more vulnerable to re-traumatization in the intimate and physically intense practices of Tantra. Skilled practitioners and teachers always prioritize the safety and well-being of all participants and will ensure that existing trauma is approached with sensitivity, awareness and care.

  4. Misuse of power: Tantra, like any practice that involves vulnerability and intimacy, can attract those who may misuse their power, influence, or authority. It is important to approach Tantra with discernment and seek out practitioners and teachers who have a strong ethical foundation. As with anything, doing your homework is a wise thing to do. What teaching experience and credentials does your teacher have?

It is undeniable that Tantra is a powerful tool for personal growth and healing when practiced with care, awareness, and respect. That being said, it is essential to approach Tantra with discernment and seek out skilled teachers and practitioners who prioritize safety and wellbeing. In this way, you will lessen the chance of experiencing trauma and experience the many uplifting benefits of Tantra in your life.


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